don't you just hate........ ppl who refuse to listen to you even tho ur in fact right......... they then have the cheek & ordasity to talk over you!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: respect ya fucking elders my fucking arse!!
Re: don't you just hate........ someone's got on the the wrong side of ruth, go bite his arse babe, u have permission from ian, if u get in any trouble dont send them my way, sorry like.
Re: Re: don't you just hate........ unfortuneatley they're on the other end of a fone!! i cudn't work face to face with ppl cos i get to irritated!!
Re: Re: don't you just hate........ morning spence!! just a bit!!! dammed old folke who think its there god given rite to talk over u then mumble bout how rude u r when they're putting the fone down!!! ffs!! at least i have manors & shut up (well sumtimes!) when other ppl r talking!!
It's feckin annoying when that happens! I work in a call centre and it's shite. Someone actually said to me yesterday 'oh, the hospital have messed up my perscription and I was annoyed so I thought and come and have a go at you!' Old people suck ass big time. But I'm leaving on Saturday so I don't really care anymore! :chill: