Dole How long after uni can you sign on? Just had my last exam today and want to be even more of a burden to the tax payer!
Re: Dole I think its as soon as your course officially finishes. I was signing on by July (Only for 3 months mind )
Re: Re: Dole True. You should either have, or be able to get, something from your university that gives an official end-of-course date.
Think I started signing on just after I graduated in July. I was registered as a student up until the end of June though so probably could have started then.
its not fair that you either get yourself in shitloads of debt or be so skint you can hardly eat when you are a student. BRING THE GRANT BACK (he was a lovely boy) :fart:
i thought most people who went to uni had a part time job anyways well thats what i'd do i couldnt survive on just the loan
Well I worked at Safeway part time during my degree, and full time in the holidays. But then when i left uni I found that I couldnt look for a proper job cos I was always at Safeway, so I left to concentrate on applying for jobs! I suppose most people have a job sorted and organised before they actually leave uni but I'm just unorganised and didnt realise what i wanted to do til about 1 week before I finished
I worked for Morrisons, but they semesters modules clashed with my shifts so I had to quit. I have a generous Dad too