Does anyone Know the location ?? WHAT A FULL-ON PARTY-TASTIC LINE UP WE'VE CONJURED UP FOR THIS EVENT! 18TH AUG - SAT NIGHT SKETCHY MUNTERS - FREE - FOREST PARTY - SECRET LOCATION 15MILES OUT OF CITY IN AN ANCIENT FOREST - on Private land. LINE UP SO FAR........ GYPS & GRAVY - BALKAN GYPSY MUSIC URBAN GEISHA - FUNKY WELL HAVIN IT BEATS - FREESYTLE JUNKIES TOKYO ACID CREW!!!!!! - LIVE ANTIWORLD SET!!!!! ANT GOULD ASTRO & PRISM PEZ GRAHAM FEEDBACK KOL Many more TBC............. This party site is amazing, rivers, ancient wishing wells, ruined mills, and EVEN QUICK SAND!( don't worry tis sign posted &; difficult to get too! ) Please take responsibilitie of your rubbish, and please drive quietly through the village. Chill out area with coverings and a big fire provided
Re: Does anyone Know the location ?? not as yet but working on it sounds like its not far from slaley woods woods or that place thru durham thaty was done a couple years back a few texts later...........................................
its hardly a school boy error the decription = slaley but the rumour mill is also suggesting its up at ovingham so what wrong with confirming by text - thats what a good rave network is about theres also a mint forest thru at durham i would bet more like slaley cos its the sketchy munter lot who are doing it anyway if any undesirables turn up the guy who runs that place will rip peoples heads off and shoot them , he isnt to be trifled with, so mentioning it could be there affects nowt weather too unpredictbale / sketchy for outdoor stuff these days imho tho
Fuuucckk is this a psy trance rave? Some kid was telling me they get put on at Hexham in the summer, I need to go to one desperatly. I have a psychedelic avatar and everything, mannnn