does any1 understand??? is it just me? am i getting old before my time or can anyone else not understand what charva's say anymore???? i've got a 14 yr old cousin (joel, i'll refer 2 him quite a bit) who i can't understand! he speaks like's he's a mc constantly! it's vile? and what's the point in tucking your trousers INTO your socks???!!! it's crazy!
Re: does any1 understand??? I think the tucking your three stripes into your socks came from Liverpool, but as for the whole charv thing, i just don't know. Up until a few years ago, i though the charv was a species only known to the North East. Now they're taking over the country! :evil:
Re: Re: does any1 understand??? and why is everything that's sed got "how" on the end of it? they must ask more questons then a 4 yr old (how!)
lol, my area seems to be well infested with em, i agree, although if they ask you anything and you turn around and go 'excuse me?' they seem to be confused, cos it aint 'ya wha! hoow!'
for instance.... a hamburger is an "ammy", and these day's if i drank cider as quickly and as much as joel i'd die......without a doubt! and why do they sit in subways? and isn't wearing shoes (espec boots) a fashion faux pas? or do they do it to humour us?
i mean shoes and boots with tracksuit bottoms!!!! NEE NORR NEE NORR (uh-oh here come the fashion police lets do a blitz:joel)
good question... i dont really understand them or why they do what they do but they do amuse me when i walk to the shops so i guess they do have some purpose. i was told you were meant to be out 2nite, so i thought i might actually bump into ya, but i didnt see you if you were out?
sorry huni...had a bit of a bad wk, my m8 found out he's got lukeimia lst wknd so ive been there alot in hospital with him, it's my daughters god father and because ive been there and @ college and everything ive not cn my babes, so i had a bit bother getting her to bed 2nyt. gutted i missed it tho, i'll be out on fri if any1 is x
nightmare, hope it all works out ok. im out on friday, it's a mates birthday so im there with bells on! i'll have to catch up with ya, i'll probs give ya a pm or sumthin. :angel3:
i'll be sure to do that! anyway, time for me to go to beddy byes, work in 4 n a half hours... *cue violins*