does any1 know of any Free out door parties (u no what i mean none of this manchester free party crap) Underground events? really different alternative dance shit (undergroundy still)? that is going on in the area. Or just something totally different? Suggestions of where to go please as we r bored of stoppin in cos theres nowhere to go!
Me and a few mates are thinking of doing one (well, we suggested it when pissed or something). We've got a class place to do it but thats about all we've got at the minute. Probably won't be for a while though (if it ever happens). thats a no really.
I have played @ a few in scotland, one in a quarry, one in a dockside wearhouse and one in a barn. good crack events like these. they are really well organised, parking and toilet facilities. Just bring a bottle and go for it
Re: Re: Re: does any1 know of any no problems m8 will do, there was about 12 different soundsystems @ the last one. bout 600 bodies. the law showed up and just asked us not to leave a mess
Never played an outdoor but would love to. They seem to occur more for Techno than anything else, Dom from Pure Filth plays loads. Gareth, where's this place then?
correct, mainly techno. bit of all sorts really including soundsystems blasting Gabba, D&B, old school and other funny stuff. worth a look