Does 48-bit LBA requirement apply to external hard drives? Does it? I want a 300GB hard disk, just going to get an external Seagate Barracuda..... My PC is quite old so i doubt that it will have 48-bit LBA support, but I presume thats a hardware/motherboard issue in relation to hard drive controller as opposed to plugging in an external device via usb? Ta!
what will be piss poor? i decided against it anyway, not worth it, gona get a 120gb internal, only £55
I could, but I would also need to but a new HDD controller with 48 bit LBA. My machine is old so doesn't have it, so can only address a hard drive up to 137GB. Having said that I have just seen a raid controller on ebuyer for a tenner.... you are still talking £100 quid though, at which point I 'might aswell' spend an extra £20 and get an external 300GB job.