Doe anyone use Cahoot online banking? If so how do they find it? I have nowt but problems with the f*kers! Your "available balance" isnt available at all according to them!!
change who you bank with, i am with lloyds tsb and never have problems, i use the online banking as well and its fine
Lloyds TSB? hahaha and have to BUT BUT RING RING a Indian Call center every week?? Our lass had a right fuck on last week trying to explain MORPETH was a place but the stupid indian thought she was asking for MORE PETH PLEASE!!! hahahaha BANG
ringing indians dosent start till march. i should know i work there. if you dont have an availible balance there is probably a very good explanation there such as you have recently paid in/transferred/used your card over xmas and it hasnt come off due to it only being the 2nd working day since xmas.
actually they get waaay more holidays than we do! there is at least 2 religious festivals a week....i very rarely got to work every day in a week they all take each others holidays too, like if there is a muslim holiday the hindus and sikhs have a day off too capital one have gone indian now and even after living there i cant get them to understand me they tried to convinve me i withrew a 2 pound coin from an ATM
I bank with Abbey, Cahoot being part of them, I cudnt live without E-Banking. I certainly wudnt ring the call centre's after working there for over 2yrs. If ur balance isnt avail, it mite be cos of chqs u've paid in that arent cleared or transactions you've made on ur debit card that are pending. Both are only taken off ONE balance until cleared.
I just signed up with cahoot credit card - you get 50 quid off them for transferring a balance of more than 1500 quid across