Do you like Umek - Gatex? I really can't stand it, same with many people I know yet there are some out there who totally love it. It really grinds on me badly.
its amazing, i supoose u have to like techno to appreciate it really. try ceroxal similar vain... amazing stuff.
I think one of the main things that pisses me off about it is that there's no beat in the background, so you can't really dance to it either. On top of that the noise gets a little bit repetitive..
had this tune for a while!!!,never played it for ages,still enjoy it when a hear it.....Tiesto mix for me!!!!!
Well if you're just listening to the tune it's bound to get a bit boring tunes like this are class you can do so much with em in a set (if you're a good dj!).
totally agree, just theres alot better tunes around that hammer it thats all, that i'd prefer to play in a set!!! still like it,or else i wouldnt hav bought it!!!
fuck tiesto mix, stick to orignal, the lack ofbeat is the beauty of it played really loud with lotsa bass, it fucking rocks, nasty as fuck :d havent listened to it in ages tho