I don't believe in multiculturism it doesn't work... catholics school, muslim schools, jewish schools, etc. Cultures work alongside each other, they work hand in hand - but if you try to segment them it breeds prejudice... Just look at northern ireland.... catholic and protestants hate each other - multiculturism doesn't work. Cultures should work together not alongside each other. Take a school I think there should one be a state school where muslims, catholics, jews, protestants, etc. all work together - if they have different beliefs fine they take the different RE lessons (which is an option at some schools)... but seperating kids will just teach them they are different. Multiculturism doesn't work on any level @ leats in my eyes.
in reply to the initial question - no not reeli!! dont mean to sound awful n racist but i'm not a great fan of it all cos i think it lays the foundations 4 too many problems in the future, religion and job wise amongst others.... xxx
In a sense I agree with you, in that segregation is not a good thing. However, I do believe that cultures should not necessarily be subsumed into one big 'melting pot', as many people feel the need for a sense of cultural identity. That's not to say that cultures shouldn't learn from one another, but if people want to keep parts of their cultures distinct then so be it.
the christian faith is uncompatible with any other faith. for once we agree. however christains and muslims can get along just fine.
All faiths are incompatible with one another by their very nature (there is only one god (or one group of gods), and it's ours). As Smartie says though, people from different faiths can get along just fine. However, there are a wide range of non-deity based beliefs, such as buddhism, that are more compatible with other ways of life.
I agree completely no one should lose sights of their heritage and culture. However is holding onto your culture means locking yourself away from the rest of society... your in the wrong society. Cultures in my eyes have to melt into society... you can still hold onto your beliefs without segmenting yourself... for example a jewish kid can go to a british school, take a jewish re class, go to a synagogue not church... he hans't lost touch with his culture... he's just fitting into british society. however segmenting himself ina jewish neighbourhood, associating with jewish kids, going to a jewish church is fuck all to do with a british society its a jewish society within a british one and this gives birth to prejudice in my eyes.
Some segmentation has arisen as a defence against prejudice, as living in the same area etc will give safety in numbers.
in my eyes runnign never solved anything. Easy for me to say I know as I'm subject to little racial abuse... But I'm a strong believer of not running from your problems. I don't believe removing yourself from a society will ever aid 2 cultures co-existing
If I was asian and had ten National Front types coming at me with baseball bats, I think I would run pretty fast! If you are different then you tend to be singled out for abuse. The natural reaction is to go somewhere where you are not different. I agree that it doesn't help solve things in the end, but you can't blame individuals for self-preservation when the threat is physical. Anyway Joe, this seems to be a two-man discussion, so maybe we should have it another time!
do people think that in a culture where everyone is supposed to be of equal status, its right for companies to have quotas on employing ethnic minorites?
No. I am firmly against positive discrimination. Eg I would rather get the job because I am good, not because I a woman.
ditto - best man for the best job postive discrimination is a perfect example of multiculturism NOT working.
oooh, we cant go there. the religious people get really upset if anyone voices different opinions to them. In fact they've got a whole word to themselves for it: Blasphemy. In some countries is worse than rape and murder, can you imagine that?