do papers make stories up? you be the judge.... check this out been creased reading it... does the sun honestly believe this shite?
It is true. Forget the news & papers....people floging them by the box load on Ebay which means there is demand for such things
it's just another kids fad, like tamagotchis, marbles, slinkys, livestrong bands, etc. I doubt it's leading to full-on sex between 12 year olds though Also on snopes. Looks like an old recycled urban myth....
Not sure how it is PROVEN as a myth because it posted on myth websites. While my link to Ebay shows these items listed & people selling & bidding for them as SHAG bands. Of course I am not into what one colour does to the rest but people/kids are buying these as shag bands.
when i was a young 'un the crack with these was if you ever snapped one you had to get off with whoever gave you it its bollocks this story!
There's loads in Poundland in Eldon Square. Gary Glitter must have got them specially imported from Vietnam.
I used to wear loads of these during my cyber days. Blue and black ones, and I never got sucked off or had any lass "go all the way" with me in Foundation, so this story is a load of bollox.
I used to have thses 10-15 year ago! what a load of tosh! However, my 7 year old son has asked if I will get him some next time I am at shops!
In fact, the exact nature of the sexual favour involved varies according to region. There must be a "up the shitter" band for Geordies.
white represents "flash ur tits or dick", purple/orange = kiss, and oral is actually represented by green. creased!!!!
He dosnt need gimmicks to pull the little sod is the double of Ronaldo, hes going to have bitches on his c*** like New Kids On The Block.