Do any mp3 players have trackmark support yet? I'm getting shot of my absolutely WANK iriver and thinking about reverting back to minidisc. I wouldn't mind a decent mp3 player but I've always thought the biggest let down was having no trackmarks. It does my head in not being able to skip tracks/start from the middle point of a long mix. Do any mp3 players now allow you to use proper trackmarks with seemless flow (i.e splitting the mp3's into segments is not an option)? Cheers
What iriver have you got? There was a facility on mine to skip things 7 minutes at a time, which was incredibly useful.
Iriver T30 512mb I jumped in and got a cheap as fuck mp3 player because I didn't expect to be using it for very long. Didn't even have a rechargable battery, felt so stupid. Hated it from then on. I don't think you can do that with mine. It has some kind of weird function to skip to a certain point but it's just a hinderance. Does anyone know what other mp3 players have the ability andy speaks of, or the name of it?
My iriver h320 has got a study function on it. Its spot on for listening and skipping through long sets
Been around for a while Alternative firmware at Not the easiest to get going, but more than worth it They are working on ipod firmware, which won't work with itunes - this is the first bit of news thats made me consider getting one.
Just bought an iriver H320 off the internet so I could install Andy's firmware. Fuck me it's bigger than my old phone, going straight back to the distributor. My luck is out with MP3 players.