DJ Shog - Tribute Another good tune from Sven Griener Aka DJ Shog nice melody once again. Problem is it will probably get too much of a hammering off Dave Pearce & people will get sick of it
Look darude your cloggin this forum up with your borin and pointless pieces a shit so fuck off back to nursery!!
Agreed....i think it was also released with marc dawn - ?? for logport 10years or something, both are shite like!
Yep thought so I got it thinking it would be like Expander when I heard it I was saying to muself wtf is Marc Dawn on
Nar man ya fuckin inbred, marc dawn released another tune with dj shog tune, for 10 years of logport!
oi cuntface stop calling me inbred and do something else like playing at the nursery cuz that where u need to go!.