Dirty avatars I wouldnt a really dirty avatar as my set avatar but i would just like to see what good stuff they have.
well i dont suppose that the males on the board would object to your semi-prono style avatars but its not exactly wot all the female board members want to see every day. And i bet you wouldnt be best pleased if i had a man having a wank as my avatar would you?????:spangled: :spangled:
i did write (Altought there was a spelling mistake) that i wouldnt have a dirty avatar as my set avatar in case i offended someone but since Gio posted a women with nice tits i thought i would go one further.
are right. Well thats fine by me just as long as you dont use that woman on your first post as your avatar!!!!
artistic?????? My arse is more artistic than that!!!!!!!!!!!! If you want artistic why dont you go to an art gallery?