Dirty Angel will now start at 10pm instead of 9pm. Error will be having their warm up from 8-10pm Due to a double booking.
This Friday Just to confirm, as there's been some confusion, we will start at 10pm, downstairs, and then the last Friday of every month :angel3:
Good luck with this girls..... As from next month you will be able to start @ 8pm as we are moving our warm up to DB Social starting May 16th
Thanks Binni, we've got a good crowd coming down, so it should be a good night. Where is the DB social?? We might bring a few peep's down to Cosmic when we're done at Camp
http://www.myspace.com/dbsocial DB SOCIAL, NEW BRIDGE STREET WEST,NEWCASTLE (left at bottom of Northumberland street opposite Nationwide building soc) CAFE/BAR.. OPENING HOURS MON-SAT 8am-6pm.. SATURDAY EVENINGS 8-11pm.. SUNDAYS 6-11pm.. WEEKEND NIGHTS ARE HOSTED BY SPECIAL GUEST DJS. PM's miss
I should hope so! We will be down just before ten, looking forward to it! P.S Phone back on now Kerry xxxx