Digital Society 12th Sept 2008??!?! Anyone in the know got any ideas of who's on in Sept??!?! i'm 100% going
So, SOME (possible) combination of : agnelli and nelson, Jon O'Bir, John O'Callaghan, Activa, Mike Nichol, Thomas Datt, Will Holland. fooooking 'ell!
Its in leeds at a club called myhouse. 2nd friday of every month. Unreal line-ups. No charvs, Cheap beer. Funktion1 sound system, mint smoking garden. Everyone should go!!!
It was meant to be Agnelli & Nelson John O'Callaghan Mike Nichol Thomas Datt According to an interview with Nochol. Then Activa & O'Bir have it on their myspace. Activa is bi monthly resident so he'll probs be on but O'Bir might be replacing someone on the lineup? Either way im there as the lineup will be class.
Well O'Bir's got it on his website!! He's also down as being back on at Gods at the end of September. Activa's also on according to his myspace.
Deffos gan to that, a reccon best sets will be JOC, Activa & Holland. Activa played a mint set @ Recycled like.