Did anyone get the Sunday Sport at the weekend cos if u didn't, not only did u miss vast acres of naked female flesh, always a good thing in my books, u also missed out on a free Hed Kandi CD...... some nice 'n' chilled funky groovy housey shit....... damn good value for 65p haven't Hed Kandi been at stereo lately??? anyone caught them and what they been like?
nah i never - got the news of the world instead - less tits & more scandal (which is what i like!!!) shame cos the cd mite have been alrite!!!! shame the paper it was free with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hed Kandi I was in there a couple of Sundays ago and was quite impressed with the music. Twas a bit tougher than I'd thought it would be. Didn't stay very long though so thats about all I can say. It was packed too, but I think that had something to do with that 'Block Party' thing at Foundation that night.