DHL express couriers word of advice for any1, never ever use these cunts ever....ever! they are the most useless pieces of shite that have ever had the misfortune of infecting the earth with their inneptness was supposed to get my phone delivered today, guy didnt even knock ont he door, rang the intercom downstairs, i let him in, and then went down to meet him, he didnt come in thoguh, he just left a letter under the main entrance and fucked off luckily i went to meet him otherwise i wudnt have got that letter and wud have been royally fucked!! now they r saying it is my fault for not coming down stairs quick enough, even though i went from nought to dressed and downstairs in less than a minute and they wont reveliver it for a few days i hope their company rots in hell and goes bankrupt and the directors end up living in the slums of hartlepool :evil: rant over
Embarrassingly I used to work for these bastards as a section manager. Because they are ISO9002 accreditted, they must follow their guidelines, and you are entitled to redelivery the day after you call (Mon-Fri). Get back onto them and give them some grief. If you still don't get anywhere, hassle o2 (I presume its them ) as your contarct is with o2, and not DHL, so o2 should do the chasing for you, you are their customer. btw, you should also be able to collect it from their depot if you need it quickly, but if you're in Hartlepool, I'm presming it was their Gateshead depot, so its a bit of a journey . And why should you have to anyway
i think its probably more down to the driver is on bonus for parcels delivered, so hed rather fuck off and make more money than wait
Probs the case. They have PRP (Performance Related Pay) and Franchise drivers, that own their van and pay their own fuel bills, etc. All the drivers hated residential deliveries, esp flats. The assumption is that the person is at work, and hence they don't put 100% effort in
nah im from manchester mate but hatrlepool has the highest concetrtation of heroin addicts in europe hence why i decided to use them in my anicdote lol cant be assed calling o2 online, premium rate, ive arranegd collection for tomorro going to get my concierge to pick up the collection
Normally, DHL won't release an o2 package unless its the ACTUAL recipient collecting it, with ID. o2 can arrange for DHL to allow a nominated person to collect on the recipient's behalf, but often o2 don't send DHL a fax, or DHL lose it. Just beware!