Derren Brown's at it again caught his last russian roulette one an thought it was class this time hes convincing a bunch of suits to do over a post office van, sounds canny C4 @ 9pm
I htought the russian roulette one had been faked- at least that's what I read. Can't make my mind up about him. HE's a relly clever bloke and can manipulate people really well but I think a few things hes done are a bit OTT and put on
He's a clever bloke the way he can manipulate people the way he does, but i cant help but be bored when i try to watch one of his programs
it was really good... i studied psychology a few years ago & the way he gets people to do things is very impressive... it's all about a mix of the conscience (sp) & the sub-conscience (sp)
it was quite good - but it got me thinking 'couldn't he just hyp notise them 5 mins b4 the event?" much easier than all that farting around. only a 10 minute program like....