Dementia my mam has just rang me and asked to pop down to my grans house today and just see if i notice anything diffrent about her my mother and aunt have both noticed strange things about her which point to dementia, i have just had a quick read on this and its not a nice thing like, but do any of you's have family with this or had this? can you treat it? does it go away? or is it basicly game over for her memory?
My gran suffered from this and died in march sorry to say its a progressive illness with no cure that effects the brain functions she will start forgeting things acting differently i.e totaly out of her normal ways, say things that make no sense and in the later stages regress to earlyier points in her life and act them out. Its pretty heartbreaking as it can accellerate pretty fast so she will not be able to cope with day to day living in the later stages. One of the worst things i found was that even at the end when she was living almost in 20 second memory burst she would come round for a minute and know where she was and who we were and ask us normal questions then a minute later think i was norman hunter. Best get her to the doctors now and try to sort out care as it can be slow or very fast in its progress and she needs to sort out all her fininacial and personnel effects out before it hits its latter stages where her mind will not really be her own. Sorry your family has to go though this as it a very distressing thing especially if you like me had a close relationship with your gran. All the best i hope it turns out to be something else.
Totally mate Jimi - get as much time with her as you can mate, as unfortunately as the guys say above the person you know and love will start to permanently change. My wifes nan thought I was her husband who died over 40 years ago!
one of me grandads had senile dementia, he died a few year ago from it, , as others have said its a horrible illness and totally erases all of their links with the present, my granda didnt know who i was by the end of it, with my memory the way it is now i'l probs end up with it
A Normandy D-Dday veteran lives below me with his wife & he has it. I have to introduce myself every time i see him. I've lived here 6 months! Sorry to hear that Jim, chin up bud
Awful illness The only positive you can really take from it is that your Gran won't know any different and is probably perfectly happy.
You're normally funny too Jimi, I'm sure Kate Garrway (sp.) did a documentary on this not not long back that was quite interesting. Explaining the stages and the help you can get.
Jimi, sorry to hear about that dude. She must get a lasting power of attourney so your mother (or someone who is nominated) can look after her affairs/bills etc even though they are not your Gran.
cheers for all the advice people and it has all been noted and passed to me mam and aunt to get things sorted, its a shame that its only going to get worse for her, i have been round alot over the passed few days, i just hope that when it gets worse which it will. i i will be away as i dont think i couldnt handle it being round all the time with her getting worse, which sounds bad like as im very close to her
my ex's dad had it and it made life miserable for the family as he couldn't be left alone or he would be doing stuff like wandering round the village naked or cooking bacon with the plastic still on. That said he seemed to be as happy as larry. sorry about that Jimmy