Delivering I just ordered my fone and because Saturday and Next day deilvery arent happening at 02 at the moment.. its coming in (the usual) 3-5 working days..the bloke on the phone said it would probably be here on Monday..the thing is im not in on monday...I could take the afternoon off but I have an exam in the morning. So if it get delivered in the morning im screwed Anyway, he said something about them putting a letter through ur door if u miss it, and there will be a number on the letter u can ring and arrange a different time and date.. Will that take like, 5 days aswell? I think I just heard the words delivery, working days, monday, morning, saturday and everything else so many times im confused..:crazy:
They cant for security reasons, unless I left a note saying do that...but my neighbours arent in either
knowing o2 you probably won't get it till like 10 to 5. my replacement k700i didnt come till 20 past five then the next replacement didnt arrive till 4.
I was going to say anyway I was hoping it would come later on in the day anyway and I can just leave after my exam which finishes at like 11 or something..
I ordered some headphones for my brother before xmas but because the y fucked up they came the day after we left for our holidays. The stupid bastard postman just left them at the backdoor and wrote on another letter package at back door :evil: We were lucky they were still there when we got back and that they weren't damaged cos we were awya for 2 weeks and the weather was shit
thats the post office fault then if its registered post / special delivery then it needs to be signed for, if it's too big to go through the letterbox they should put a piece of paper through your door saying its at the local sorting office and when to collect it couriers have to actually deliver the goods and have it signed for, generally on palmtop computers
I had the same problem when i lost my phone last year. I took a day off work to wait for the delivery but it never came, then I phoned up to arrange for them to deliver it to work but had to send a fax from work to prove that I worked there. Then they couldn't find it........oh well third time lucky hey Also got Something delivered yesterday but was in bed ill so didn't here the door. This is after I had to take a photo of a bill to send to them b4 they sent it out for security reasons Phoned up to get it delivered to work and some lad from the factory signed for it and bought it to me. But tbf it could have been anybody really. Security my arse. Rant over got them both in the end
Its not ! Its a new fone...hopefully its like the man said if im not in, they leave the note I ring the number and arrange a different time :angel: *Prays for her slinky new mobile*
u should think about gettin the insurance like, its only 4 quid a month or summat. it saved me 300 quid when i dropped mine