Decks Im goin to be buyin some decks for christmas but im just gettin cheap ones, does any1 know which decks are suitable for bedroom djing? Which are generally better, Numark, Gemini, Stanton, Citronic, Kam? I cant afford technics Im gonna be gettin a good mixer which will last me. Cheers
i can sell you my blue gemini 2410's special editions with high torque for £400!!! got to admit i dont wanna sell them as they have taught me well.
you can buy my old Numarks for £150 pm me if you are interested!!! will throw in mixer and speakers too
I ve got one goodmans turntable and one bush turntable… £30 the lot erm… mixer wise… well u don’t need one of them! Pitch control? Use your fingaz! interested?
totally depends on your budget - lower down the scale i would say numark or citronic, slightly up the scale id say stanton or gemini whats your price range? forget about kam, they are pretty poor, trust me, i know from experience lol!
i had a set of SoundLab direct drives which were pretty good... and they're still going strong after i sold them to the LazMan... reasonably priced too...
thats what i heard from alot of people but iv built up my vinyl collection but i dont have anything to play them on! + im a student!
I know mate but these are new, fresh from the factory, no one else will have used or touched them and I'll be the first on them That makes all the difference to me