Decent Hairdressers? Ever sicne my hairdresser moved to Leeds, I've been having extremely shit haircuts. I'm now sick of this, and need somewhere decent to get my barnet trimmed. Could somebody please recommend somewhere suitable?
Tracy @ Mops cuts everyone hair that i know (almost) Mine, Lauras, Marrissa, Ali, Stevie, Steve Butler....the list goes on...and one....................
ain't been to crown for ages so ain't got a clue....tisn't exactly cheap but they do a good job! ring them on 01912329040
do you know everyone???? in fact you know so many people im starting to think you have another profession, something involving religion, are you like, GOD? or are you a meeter and greeter somewhere, or a PR or something??
adam @ mops is really good, I met him thru hair modelling for him and he's been doing my do ever since.. so it's his fault
she cracks me up big time its £19.50/£22.50 at crown.. depending if they like you or not reminds me... my glitter wig is in need of a trim....
I get mine done by a friend who works for Crown, If I get it done in the shop it's about £40. She charges me £10 and does it at home.
i ain't been in a while so am yet to hear the house ones....usually hear a break beaty/hip hoppy type stuff....tis very good tho.... will have to go there soon i's been a while!
I was a hair model once, for my friend that moved to Leeds when she applied at Essensuals Tom > Cheers for that mate, that isn't bad at all. I'll give 'em a buzz Chris > Look in the mirror mate