Dealing with an awkward online seller I've already mentioned a few weeks ago the fact that my sister bought some GHD's that have turned out to be fake after they were sent to the GHD manufacturer for a repair. I've been in touch with the seller who's been a pain from the start.. first he wanted proof that they were fake, then he simply wanted me to send them back to him in the post so he could 'check them', but once I mentioned that the GHD manufacturer had requested his details he began to play ball. He agreed to give a refund via cheque etc but not before contacting me again asking how much they'd cost us. I told him it had cost a straight £70 and after no reply from him I got in touch once more and he's now replied saying he thinks a fair price is £60 considering he isn't getting a refund from the seller he bought them off in 'good faith'. This is after he mentioned in an earlier email that the matter was now sorted as he was getting a refund from his supplier, although that email came after I'd mentioned that the GHD manufacturers wanted his details. I've just replied asking why he can't get a refund from his supplier. What should I do? The manufacturers did request his details but my #1 priority is getting a full refund without it turning into a battle between us, him and Amazon etc... TBH, if he does have a supplier like he says he does, he should be doing the exact same thing I'm doing, only threatening to pass on the details to the GHD manufacturer which I have offered to do, but he said no.
if you have his address you can fuck him up many ways, report him to the poooleice if yr the grassing type
he's taking the piss. You've tried sorting it out with him - he's being a massive front bottom. From the sounds of it he knows the stuff is dodgy. Shop him to trading standards and inform amazon that the goods are fake. contact amazon using [ame=""] Sign In[/ame] and let them know whats going on. they'll sort a refund out fairly quickly and take up the battle with him instead, thats what they did for me when this happened.
I got my lasses from the local salon around the road. I think they're about the same price everywhere mate.
Don't be fooled into buying a £120 or so pair for £70 off amazon (3rd party seller) like my sister did I'm gonna wait to see what this twat says in reply to my email, and see how he justifies only partly refunding me due to his so-called purchases of good faith. I wasn't sure if being a cunt would lessen the chances of me getting a refund at all. Fuck him and his shabby pieces of tepid plastic then..
I'm a big boy though, I have to keep it civil If i call him a front bottom and throw toilet rolls around things shouldn't get too out of hand. The fucking cunt plunger had better give me the £70 though :evil:
will probs go missing in translation on line but i find calling a bloke a girly shirt lifting toss piece makes them a little pissed
send 1 more letter - say you want 100% refund within 14 days (give him enough days) of receipt of this letter. also say you've had plenty of time to sort this out, his supply problems are not yours, HE is the reseller, it's his responsibility . If he does not issue a complete refund within the time period; 1) You will be contacting your solicitors 2) Contacting Trading Standards 3) Contacting the manufacturer of GHDs 4) Contacting Amazon and supplying all the of them concerned with copies of all correspondence so far and will let them take this further. Take no shit, he's just trying to put you off. Then send it all anyway once you get the refund. Grass the cunt up. if he'd been ok with it in the start and said ''opps sorry, i've been done, i'm sorry here's your refund'' then fair enough, you may have not bothered grassing him up but once they try to fuck you around. thats it. take no prisoners. i'd also send him a dog shit in the post.
He could just as easily send me a bigger one in return! I'm gonna email him again now and explain that he's starting to piss me off. 14 days seems reasonable
Well, he hasn't responded, and i've contacted Amazon as a first resort, and they've replied and said they're doing nothing because the seller is 3rd party. Good load of use they were then.. No indication of them even giving a shit that one of their authorised sellers is offering fake goods. Looks like it's onto Trading Standards and the GHD manufacturers after this then.