Dc10 Has anyone ever been to this club in ibiza. Its supposed to be pretty mental on a monday after space. Was just wondering what the people there are like - heard there's quite a diverse range of people to put it politely. Also what time does it kick off. I've noticed that the after clubs in ibiza don't really kick off straight after the regular clubs, meaning you have a few hours to either carry on or try and get some recovery time in
Yeah I've heard people like Deep Dish,Danny Tenaglia, ongy and Timo Maas just pop in and play for free - they love it so much
its almost at the end of the runway at the airport circo loco is supposed to be wicked the compiliation they released is, mixed by cirillo and jo mills
seen Jo Mills-Peace Division-Steve Lawler there. It's one of the best clubs on the island bar far the real ibiza
Its very tribal with loads of drums. Im not kean on places with as many fuck ups as DC10 gets tho.. Space is bad enuff.
So what time did you go and what time did it go on until? Is it worth coming home after space or just going straight there
Only the strong survive the space DC10 combo It was open when I got there @ 8am. Place was rocking loads of freaks though some real bad hair styles some very bizarre things going on in the ibiza morning sunshine
23rd August. Luckily its near the start of the holiday. I reckon either go to space quite early then come home before going to DC10 or go to space lateish then push it through. Want to go to Cocoon on the monday night as well. DC10 sounds like a place to experience even if does sound like a bit freakish.
Circo loco is totally off the hook (albeit a bit of a tribal affair) Respec to charlie chester & the missus for keeping Ibiza real. I would recommend space followed by smoke and drinks at ancient people then taxi to dc10 for beats, get home late afternoon 40winks and off to cocoon. The Real ibiza
Heard there's some canny scary looking german women in there. Have to keep my head down to some proper techno. Amnesia is my favourite club in the world as well
I was getting shouted at in the bogs by some bit nazi bloke in DM's and shorts cos he heard me talking to myself whilst tying to hass a piss. I zipped up and done a sharp exit was a few years back that now though. Last year it was full of loads of v friendly Itailians and spanish kids.