Dc++ Ever since getting telewest broadband I have not been able to get this to work! Has anyone else had problems, DC++ is great for grabbing tunes too!
I had problems once i installed a wireless router.... Had to forward ports and my router also assigns a diferent external IP so i have to update my settings in dc++ for it to work. I dont use it that regularly so it aint a prob just but it is certainly best software i know for tunes..
port forwarding - he's talking about opening the ports required on your firewall (which i presume is built into your router?) or it may just be a straightforward router in which case you need to tell the hardware to 'forward' certain ports to the real outside world so your software will connect. if you drop to a dos prompt and do 'ipconfig' you will see an ip address. this is the address given to you by the router hardware box. probably something like or (reserved ip's) - the real internet address given by telewest is assigned in the router and you are sort of 'hidden' behind the real number (otherwise known as NAT - network address translation). www.mywanip.com will show you what i mean. anyways if you can open the config of your router, normally by calling up your web browser and punching the ip address you got from the dos prompt into the address bar you should find what you're looking for in there... although if you're totally bewildered by what you see it's maybe best to post a screenshot before modifying any settings
Yea maybe once for my sins helped out a mate in there one night haha - proper 80's tunes all night - You from shields like?