Data recovery I have a couple of cdr’s with old photos on, but over the years they have got the odd bit of damaged to the top surface. I’ve put them in the cd drive and been able to get about 30% of the photos off, but when get to the point where the damage is, it stops reading and reports an error in reading the disk. Are there any programs out there that will force the computer to skip the damaged bit so I can get the rest off the undamaged photos from the disk?
There are programs out there.... I've never used any b4 so dont know how effective they are.... Here's one There's a free trial but am sure you can find a full copy of it somewhere if ya look in the right places
try doing it from a Dos command prompt and use the xcopy command, so summik like xcopy d:\*.* c:\fotos\*.* /S /C where d: is the cd drive letter, /S copies subdirectories, /C makes it keep copying if errors occur if you get read errors you should get an ignore option to continue copying
i use 2 : * Easy Recovery Pro * PCI File Recovery * sometimes badcopy pro you've got to pay for some of them, but if u hunt around u can find them. Failing that, i've got a cd repair kit - it's like weak nail varnish remover and a polish - it removes scratches from disks allowing you to read them again - works a treat
This may sound kinda daft but I've just formatted and reinstalled windows for a mate. Beforehand i asked if there was anything he wanted to keep mainly pictures he said no. After it was done he suddenly realised there 'were' some photos he aint got backed up :doh: As far as I'm aware formatting will remove everything... Is there any chance one of those data recovery programs would be able to retrieve anything :spangled: As I say the photos were on the C: partition which I quick formatted using xp cd....
Easy Recovery Pro will do it - just don't copy ANYTHING else onto the disk. the data will still possibly be retrievable.