DareDevil Has anyone else this seen this useless attempt at a movie yet? If not then don't, i watched it last week but it meant that little to me i simpoly couldnt be bothered to post about it but seeing as im bored i will. From start to finish its simply appalling, i mean you woi;d think the script writers could think of something decent and make it at least as interesting as the comic books were supposed to be! Then we have the castings, Ben Affleck as a super hero is a joke if ever there was to be one, put him in one of the those soppy romantic films and he is right at home but here he looks out of place! One thing you should always be able to count on in a comic book movie is a bad guy who can kick the shit outa people. In this movie we get a character called Bullseye. Guess what he has on his forehead? A bull's-eye. Guess what his special power is? He can throw darts and hit bull's-eyes. That's stupid. Why not have a character called The Raging Hardon where the character is a hardon, or a heroine called Salad Tosser where she tosses salad. The main bad guy in the movie was Kingpin, played by Michael Clarke Duncan. For a start the Kingpin was white in the orginal comics so why change that and put in place a black guy, a guy at that who made the film even worse than i thought it would be to begin with .Every time he came near Daredevil in the movie, it looked like he was going to give him a sloppy kiss. Best thing about tis film was Jennifer Garner, as she brought good looks and ensured the fight scenes were at least plausible as she is obviously well trained having worked on 2 series of alias. If your bored and theres nothing to watch and you fancy going to the pictures, simply dont bother *End of Rant*
ben affleck is good in Kevin Smith movies tho Mallrats Dogma Jay and Silent Bob strike back Dazed and Confused(i think this' kevin smith) but everone i know whos seen it says the same. its dead jumpy apparently. hard to know whats goin on.
You forgot 'Chasing Amy'. Naah Dazed and Confused wasnt kevin Smith tho. Plus if you notice Kevin Smith is in the film DareDevil, he plays a lab assistant
havent seen chasing amy so i left it out. wasnt sure about dazed and confused cos its got a few of the same actors in and is gramercy pictures too. and i havent actually seen dare devil yet. but how good is clerks tho?? 'you sucked 37 dicks?' 'i'm 37?!?!?!'
Daredevil, like batman, charlies angels, mission impossible is crap. The only thing that made up for it is that Lass whos also in Alias, very nice
richard linklater did dazed and confused, one of my favourite films unlike daredevil, i saw it on monday and it was one of the biggest piles of shite id seen in a long time. the story, acting, costumes everything were terrible, it was so cliched youd not believe. do not see the film!
jennifer garner did make the film more bearable, she looked one sexy young lady i always thought it was the pink power ranger in alias!
nar she was one of those terrible washed out child actors of the 80's i think shes in some american soap now!
nar man i meant the lass outta the power rangers (in regards to thingies post), the one in alias is totally different.
thank fuck i didnt go to see it at the flicks then. But the Hulk still looks class and will be betta than Spiderman
I can't wait for my indepth review of 'The Hulk' either, i really hope i won't slate it but i can see a complete flaming of it tbh
The trailers make it out to look good, fairly far fetched but that was what the hulk was all about really, i especially like the bit where he is spinning round and throws the tank, looks cool as feck Doubt it will be as good as the cartoons though, the films never are