Dangers of vitamins?? i've just this minute asked my dad to get me some from the chemist, then i load aol and it gives me the news section thing with the headline the dangers of vitamins, all the links are shit tho and explain nothing, so can anyone help? what's dangerouds about them? is it something in the vitamins or is it just the over use of them which is bad?
Its a load of rubbish - some agency or lab somewhere warned against people taking ultra high doses of certain vitamins or minerals.... but it had nothing to do with sensible supplementation. Basically along the lines of how women should watch their intake of folic acid if they are pregnant etc etc. Although in typical style on a slow news day.... that gets turned into 'Vitamin Danger' !
is taking the proper dosage of just one multi vitamine a day acually good for you then? or is it just a load of bollocks?
It's just a bollocks scare-mongering story that they rehash every 6 months or so. Has been going round for ages now.
On GMTV this morning, it said that the usual vitamin tablets u take daily have more then the recommended daily allowence in them. So when u take them, and eat things with vitamins in them, on a big scale there could be a problem. Nothing to worry about tho Pete! x
and here's me taking every sort of tablet possible, calcium, multi vits, cod liver oil, yeast, creatine-monohydrate twice a day in drinks, glucose supplement in my tea instead of sugar, im fucked suppose its a lot but none of them clash as they all do differant things
i go to the gym and keep fit alot now, just trying to be the total opposite of what i have been for the past 2 years or so lol my diet itself isn't good thats why i started taking vitamins to make up for the fact i eat shite
Too much of anything gives you cancer these days. If we listened to everything that was said we'd lock ourselves indoors, wearing gas masks and eating only organic food (grown behind closed doors, therefore not at risk from acid rain, greenhouse gases, pesticides etc...) and wouldn't make contact with other humans for risk of "infection". -- Yes I agree we should be careful, but sometimes things are blown out of all proportion. With regards to Vitamin tablets, my understanding is that it's not taking vitamins that causes damage but "overdosing" on them or taking them with other medication without seeking the right advice. Everythings bad for you if you have too much, so try sticking to only the RDA's on the packaging and you should be alright. (Although I'm nowhere near "Doctor" status, so don't take any advice from me )
The RDA for vitamins and minerals was established around WWII when food contained more nutrients - its totally out of date. I take a super multivitamin from holland and barret or 2, every day (has about 2-3 times the rda in it as well as minerals and other stuff) as well as 5-6 fish oil capsules a day. I feel a hell of a lot better physically for taking those then relying regular food to supply everything your body needs as a minimum to keep it ticking, which lets face it - not alot of people do these days. I couldnt care less about anyhing 'giving you cancer' these days. Im sure we will learn that anti cancer drugs give you cancer next - its a joke.
Does anything scare you brid?? How about spiders ?? I often take 2 vitamin pills a day too, but that's because i'm old and have an addiction to junk food!! Really, nothing is good for you in excess ..... If you do take vitamins then you should avoid taking them with a caffeinated drink, as the caffeine stops the absorpsion of some of the 'ingredients' eg iron. MD Nouvelle
sounds a bit stupid to me vitamins are what keeps us alive, you couldn hardly have to many, if your body doesn't need them, out they come, big fat brown cigar, its like saying don't breath to much air you might get cancer.
there is NO PROOF whatso ever that vitamins actully do us any good at all. I still take some when i remember too tho OOOOO my arthritis plays up in winter u know