Dance Valley Festival 2003 Has anyone been or have any intention of going to the Dance Valley festival in Holland? Me and some friends are considering it in the summer but was wondering if anyone had any info etc?
Never been but there's a lot of info here: (the official site) i would personally love to go... so if ya get the opportunity, i say u should take it! :groovy:
keep a close eye on the website.. normally just after the love parade there announced.. i was lookin into last years... a stupid amouint of peopel go.. make sure u sort out how u get to and from the event... 4 people died of pneumonia 2 years ago because of the lack of public transport and no water/etc.......
Yeah I heard about that. Wasnt there loads of flooding or sumit and no one could get back to Amsterdam or something? I remember it being on the news when I was in Holland.
dont u mean 2002? im defo goin mate im not missin this for anything, looks fuckin crazy, and its in holland, dance festival + holland = smashed :groovy:
lol @ Pike going away to this and being the scout leader and all the rest his boy scouts Wonder if we would be made Admin then :spangled: