Damn Everybody! im waiting for a #150 bond to be cashed...i sent it away almost 3 weeks ago and 1st the company sent the wrong amount, then the bank reakoned my accound didnt exist, and now they haev just sent me the bond...when i didnt want the bond, i wanted the bond cashed! becasue i had no money to buy the outfit i wanted to wear tonight, i went and took a loan off my dad in the form of a cheque which has to be cashed start of next week and thankx to the damn national savings people, i have no money in my account and i shall go over my limit and the banik will charge me. but nehow...i wanted some white shoes with the money and darlo is crap so i got them from the next catalog and theyre not here yet and i want to go in the bath but i cant cos then if they come to the door, i wont be able to let them in quick enuf and its just GRR!!! DAMN EVERYBODY!
still pissed off..trainers havent come yet which means if they dont come i cant go out food grrs now. yesterday mother requested casserole, so i wen out and bought steak and vegetables, and said it would be ready at 8. at 8 i was eating alone...mother comes back in half an hour laters, shes taken jake home and lauras gone out. and shes not really hungry...so i had sum more and left it for 2mrw....today i go to get it, and its been thrown away. :evil: i mentioned last night i had bought mince and wanted to maek spagbol which my mother agreed to...ive gone to make the spaghetti, and there is none...infact, all we have is about 10 pasta spirals...so for lunch i have had bolegnaise.