Dada - Out and about in Leeds & London... We're not doing anything in Newcastle for at least another month or so, so I thought I'd put up a bit of info of where else you can catch us over the next few weeks... THU 1st APRIL VILLALOBOS @ SYSTEM WARM-UP LOUCHE THURSDAYS PRESENTS... DADA PARTY DISTRIKT, LEEDS starts 9pm Geoff leopard (Dada, Last Waltz) Mick Rolfe (Dada, Last Waltz) Alex Grzybowski (Suruba, Asylum) Tom Frank Rich Birkett FRIDAY 16th APRIL (thought you might appreciate the image!) Friday 18th April JADED @ CABLE (Full details tba) There's quite a few that I can't announce yet, but we'll hoy them up on here when we can, rather than takeover the board with individual gigs. Oh.. and as mentioned elsewhere, we've finally cottoned on to myspace just as it becomes obsolete, so feel free to check out some of our music on that