cyber snappers apology ! Hi everyone...... One big apology to everyone who is waiting to see their pics on, from last nite ! The pics wont be uploaded unless the taxi driver who's car I left the camera in uploads them himself.....which i very much doubt ! Phoned the taxi rank today....but as u'd expect theyve never seen it Once again.....sorry to everyone who had their pic taken last nite..... Turned out to be one hell of an expensive nite, but we've got to laugh or we'd only cry But dont worry we've been out 2day and bought a new camera so we'll def be at the next Promise on the 26th! Hopefully c ya's all there ! Jam'e'tron n Ellielou x
It was just a black cab....but someone could of easily got in after us and taken it without the driver knowing.....u never know....its my own fault really