Cutting bits out of tunes?? does anyone know how I would cut a certain bit out of a tune, and save it by itself, or what I would need to do it?? For example, if I had a tune , but only wanted the chorus out of it, or I had a 30 min audio but only wanted 5 mins of it? If you knwo what I mean! Anyone help is??!
Re: Cutting bits out of tunes?? just google for an mp3 splitter. theres loads of free ones you can get off the net legally without having to mess about too much. you can use it to chop little bits out of songs or whatever to make natty little mobile fone ringtones
like everyone has said, use sound forge. or a production program like logic. or send it to someone and ask them nicely to do it for ya. id do it but i can b arsed. or you could do it the oldskool way and just record the bit you want onto a tape
im not being funny or owt, but seriously, its a lot of hassle for a young lass to download a bulky professional studio through torrents, then instal it and find that the serial number/crack doesnt work then look for another and so on and so forth. if all you want to do is cut bits out of a track, you really dont need all that