Crocodile Shoes

Discussion in 'Fun Stuff' started by paul, Jun 11, 2005.

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  1. paul

    paul Registered User

    Aug 21, 2002
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    Crocodile Shoes

    One night Geordie was having a pint in the Club, when we seen a fellow with a very unusual pair of shoes on! Geordie couldn't keep his eyes off them. So he says to the bloke. "How mistor! Whatha kind ov shoes is them ye hev on? I'd like to hev a pair of them". "Why!" says the Gent, "They are Crocodile Shoes". "Why lad!" says Geordie "I must be thick in the heed but what's a Crocodile?" "Well!" says the gent, "a crocodile is a reptile, which inhabits the rivers of Africa, the River Zambesi is full of them". "Thanks mistor!" says Geordie, "I'll hev te hev a pair of them shoes". So he saved two weeks pay at the pit, books a plane to Africa. Paddling his canoe up the Zambesi, he sees a huge Crocodile. Geordie being a big powerful fellow strips off, just a loin cloth, knife between his teeth. Swims to the Croc., fights it, kills it, drags it ashore, looks at it and says. "By gox! eftor all that trouble it's got ne shoes on

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