Crispy Residents Mix 0.4- Michael Collins New residents mix ahead of next weeks shenanigans with Fratelli Di Rimini @ The End- some bassy, clicky, techy stuff and some face melting proggy stuff towards the end 1. Thom Yorke- The Eraser ( Ripperton Remix) 2. Rainer Weichold- Bamboo 3. MOS- Emotional Distortion 4. DJ Ico- The Dark Room 5. NOP- Cubic Loop (D Nox and Beckers Remix) 6. Beckers- You’re Not Me 7. Mark De Pulse- PS, You Rock 8. Bansi- The Thin Red Line 9. Dousk- Hit The Dance Button 10. Litvak and Ophir- Shnorkel (Dousk Remix) 11. Chemical Brothers- Out of Control