Credit Poll! Who on these boards can realistically obtain credit now? i was able to last year - and i've missed no payments and kept all my outgoing's sorted. but now apparently my credit score isnt good enough for a bank loan! havent a clue why.
Not a chance can I, never mind the credit crunch affecting my credit score mine is all self inflicted, since coming back from Ibiza in Sep I've cancelled all DD's & missed 3 payments a month - 21 wOOt
never tried to gat a bank loan, but i got accepted for car credit and credit for a mixer (both of which a saw sense in and didnt take out, thank christ)
living the dream eh carson? it's a bit mad how they gave me a grand loan when i turned 18 and now they'll give me fuck all. i've rang them up and they said it was due to me going overdrawn by a tenner (!) september last year! ffs. pathetic.
Aye its worked well for me as any chance I get to get 'anything' (phones/laptops/dj gear/clothes) on chucky I will do
Its not your score that has changed, it will be the minimum threshold to get a 'yes' that will have changed. .... I seriously wouldnt do it though, unless you have a cast iron income.
they done absolutly fuck all for me, told me to get rid of me car n house, my credit is fecked due to me taking seriously ill in 2006, having to go on the sick for 2 years and none of my 'insurances' kicking in to protect me through not being able to work due to health reasons. lo and behold im in the same predicament now, albeit with a different health problem (none of which are self inflicted before anyone says owt )
Opposite the Civic Centre, at the top of that row of buildings (Lawyers/Sarnie Shops etc). Just tell them you want to talk to someone about debt & join the 3 & 1/2 week waiting list
Oh dear, seems I'm not that blacklisted as an order for £295 has just went through on the Freemans Catalogue - to think I once wanted to be a financial adviser aswell
I'd lose my job if my credit rating was shocking, so yes I can get credit, although the only debt I have is a mortgage which suits me fine!
iv got the credit rating of a premiership footballer and Post Office refused me for a CC recently Strange