Creamfeilds PAUL VAN DYK PAUL VAN DYK PAUL VAN DYK O my god this man rocked 10,000 people into a musical frenzy. He played a monster certaily the greatest thing ive ever seen in my life i cant explain it u had to be there. He played bangin trance really hard beats with brilliant melodic breakdowns that turn u inside out. He dropped born slippy right in the middle of has set followed by solid sleep club attack the for an angel and loads a peeps started cryin and goin mad then to finish us off he played insignia-open our eyes he wasnt some person who stood there and mixed he was all over the stage bouncin arm motions the lot he was fukin EH?????? Other dj i seen were armin van buuren who was absaloutly mint, ferry coursten who was dissapointing although he played one of the best tunes i head all night but i cant name it. Oaky ok hers a story.... Cream love Paul oakenfold he came on the place went banarnas OAKIE OAKIE he was standing there lappin it up like he does arms in the air the lot....... 30 mins into his set knocks the needle of the deck puts it bak and knocks the power off puts it bak on and fuks up the whole mix he was doin badly from then on he was terrible beats all over tunes got better but never got bak into it. Tiesto started off really slowly had problems with volume and started kickin off with peeps behind the stage slammin his headphones down. He recovered well droppin silver bath then, andian- summer calling. then getin harder towards the end. Seen underworld drop born slippy was mint seen don diablo who played the second best set of the night really hard trance was mint played hands in the air,ding a ling,joy dont stop class. Judge jules in the main tent was canny too then to finish it off we done a three hit combe with andy farley then umek then deep dish. All in all fantastic Thanx Paul Best tune---- either Andian- summer calling or solid sleep club attack. best moment--- pvd---for an angel worst moment--- the drive there and it finishing.
What else do you expect from the "Undisputed King of Electronic Dance Music"? Get your ticket for the 21st soon Mr Imac!
sounds like you had fun! gutted i was unable to go tho! suppose there's always next year! i really wanted to see tiesto and van dyk!
oakie well fooked up. armin was class, underworld were amazin, tiesto had probs but not his fault but was good when they got sorted, guy o was quality, john kelly = fuct camera, jfk was outstandin and PVD w w OMFG he was out of this world best set of the night by a long shot. quality day + nite enjoyed every minute of it. steve + karl... who put the tent up?
me and karl at the end what a fukin mission like we were a bit worse for wear like. U see all of van dyk???
no never seen nee barnies not as many cyber as i thought no didnt sell out got bust bout 5ish out door stage with kosheen and underworld and that on was heavin all night till it finished and everyone pilled into van dyk at 12
yep all of his pure quality drifted into my ears. and no technofish not a bit of botha scousers are pussys and it was chocka when underworld were on there were people for as far as the eye can see.
Creamfields is always the best festival IMO. Always has the best weather and the only ppl iv seen getting wacked are Cyber-Flids and its their own fault innit For this reason not many Flids go. Did anyone check Corvin\Clarke\Umek?
corvin didn't show, clark was good and missed umek wanted to see him as well. too many people on at the same time.
the cream tent was stormin all night really loud. the passion tent could of been a touch louder good at the front. And i fish i only seen 20 mins of umek they were playin really proggy and then bang they started mashin out bangin techno nice. glad corvin didnt show like cause i though id missed him cause we didnt get there till 4.30. all the timetable had been changed no marco v oaky was moved into main cream arena no timo mass and the passion timetable was changed from the booklet. but still it kicked ass.
armin and van dyk were amzing like!! nick warren was class too!! there were hardly any cybers!!think they've finally took the hint!!there wernt much bother like!!
sorry i lost track of yas after buuren. Wasnt van dyk fukin mint dave. I lost track of myself after van burren too.
best part ov the night - me losing my car keys n i drove every 1 down lol lucky sum1 handed em in at the lost n found thanx who ever they r, or me falling over in the tent (sleeping 1)
richie hawtin fucking class, cant say enough bout him - we went to see jules on air, left after 10mins cos he was shite - went for hawtin, and he fucking rocked it - banging techno at 5pm, what the fuck corsten was fucking shit, we stayed for the 1st 45mins and he was wank, he played punk for 20mins! seriously! what the fuck was that about the tune aint even that good! we was yellin at him to change the fuckin record... didnt help tho... gutted we couldnt get in to see morillo, the queue outside the subliminal tent was ridiculous - did they not realise that lots of ppl would wanna see morillo, yousef, lottie and the rest? there were more ppl queueing outside than they could fit in the tent... but anyway. dave clarke. fucking hell the man is a genius, totally - was bit disappointed when i saw him and pvd on at the same time, but am so glad i went for clarke - he rocked the bugged out tent somethin bad then we tried to go see yousef, but again the queue was stupid so we took a bit of a trashed walk round the funfair - completely mad, dunno what it was all about fun tho then back to bugged out for umek - also very good, the bugged out arena was class the sound level was excellent, it was really loud in there, there was lotsa room to dance too, and the atmosphere was wicked oh yeah, went to watch 45mins of jules b4 umek - got pushed around and threatened by 3 scallie twats, and no im not a cyber