Cream Opening Party Amnesia Got a phone call in the early hours got an ear full of oakenfold from the upstairs of Amnesia playing trance at about 135 bpm. 30days good cricket
Re: Re: Re: Cream Opening Party Amnesia bastard i have to come back or my gf would chop my balls off.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Cream Opening Party Amnesia u'll have to let us know if you get record levels of them!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Cream Opening Party Amnesia Have no fears I will be keeping the board up to date with developments from the island of sin
Just to wet your appetites a bit more here is girls report of her hols on the Island: Be kind in looking at my Ibiza Review as the days have melted together in my mind, and there may be some gaps in the timeline as my body was in a state of recovery. And I know it is long, but it is hard to fit all of the emotion into words.... Day 1, June 7th Boarded plane in Barcelona to go to Ibiza. Music on plane, believe it or not -trance! Relaxation music that Iberia uses. What a way to start the trip! Arrive in Ibiza; check into hotel (May Y Playa) The hotel balcony is bigger then room with wicked view of Mediterranean! Pacha~ amazing club, sunken dance floor, chill room upstairs, hot go-go dancers, H2O $8- ouch! Hard house- some euro- each DJ set was 2-3 hours. Danced until my poor legs gave out, then enjoyed the happy soft couches in one of the lounges. Great Sound system! Perfect start to the week! Day 2, June 8th erious recovery issues, slept most of day then went down to hotel beach, Figueretes. Possibly where GOD lives? The sea is breathtaking. Rebuilding sarrotonine, Can't go out. Besides, I heard a false rumor that Judge Jules had cancelled. Evilrumor starter! Day 3, June 9th Went to day club, DC10. Everyone stays outside, outstanding DJs; everyone goes nuts when a plane goes overhead.This place was a the widest range of people: chicks in swim suits, loads of cross dressers, some in pajamas, some in sameclothes from night before, anything goes. All kinds of craziness, and everyone is happy to share. I had a little troubleadjusting to all the light. Perhaps I am part vampire? Eventually I had to retreat to a dark place. Day 4, June 10th Salinas Beach- where all the Italian GODDESSES live. Warning, for females, you better be very secure to come here! Letsjust put it this way- this is the most beautiful beach in the world. Whites sands, clear turquoise water, and naked peopleeverywhere. Women running around, boobs flopping in the wind, barely a thong if that. And apparently cellulite does not exist in this country. I couldn't find an ugly person here. Even the "moms" looked like they pose for Victoria's Secret in theirspare time.Sunset- Went to Café Del Mar for the most amazing sunset. It was a little hazy but being there with at last two hundred people, everyone listening to music, holding their breathe, waiting for the sun to go down; As soon as it is out of sight everyone cheers and celebrates like it is midnight on New Years. Night- Eden, Gallery and Clockwork Orange Opening Party, Eden has two main rooms, one a bit smaller with some Ulrichkinda sounds, the other with hard house. Lots to see here, met a guy who juggles with lighted balls. It puts you in atrance, watching them float in mid air, jumping and playing with each other. Also a guy juggling fire, but he got kicked out because he was too drunk to control his sticks. Good time, but not the best club in Ibiza. Day 5, June 11th Spent entire day at Salinas Beach. Had late dinner on restaurant on Mediterranean. Spent evening watching the ocean. Day 6, June 12 Still recovering?? Shopping, laundry, beach, beach and sleep. Day 7, June 13 (Friday) Amnesia Opening Party. When I die, someone bury me at Amnesia! The resident DJs here are the best on the planet. Allnight the energy did not stop. The lights were awesome; the DJ booth itself was a light show. They brought out 10 strippers who did shows all night. They cooled the crowd down with CO2; they shot confetti out of a canyon half way through night. This place felt like the crobar of old. And that was just one room. The other room hosted drum & bass, tribal, etc. And in the morning you realized that most of the place has glass ceiling because you could see the sun coming up. When we left at 10:30am, the crowd was still going wild. Day 8, June 14 Privilege Opening Party. Went to Privilege after sleeping/ recovering for most of the day. This is the club that brings it all together. Entering the club, the first this we see is a guy about thirty feet in the air doing acrobatics from a rope. Then a gorgeous guy dancing on a stage below with a fantastic looking woman on each side of the long stage, dancing in bikinis. The show changes every 30 minutes or so, various dancers replace each other. The music is pounding. Behind the DJ both in a huge in-ground pool. Half way through the night they dropped the large balloons that have the rubber bands on them. We go to check out the rest of the club since this place claims to be the world's biggest club. To the left we find a smaller chill out area followed by a great outside patio bar area. Then to the right of the main room there is a smaller bar area with what I would call more of the Vegas-chill kinda sounds (sorry I can't name it) then you take stairs to a huge outside patio within a wire cage that looks like the omni dome. Everyone is just sitting here on the ground, talking, chilling, giving massages, relaxing, all with the stars overhead. I could have stayed here forever. We go back to the mainroom. In the main room, over the pool there is a balcony where two guys dressed as devils start clearing the crowd for space.Then two devil vixens step out and start dancing with fire, playing off each other, then grabbing chains and spinning fire, like I have never seen. All of the sudden you hear an explosion and you look to the middle stage and in two other areasthere are guys dancing around huge fire cauldrons, one lights a huge rocket attached to his crouch which sends sparks and flames into the air. . . I could go on and on, but you need to go to really feel the surreal energy pumping through everyone watching and dancing. Day 9, June 15 Had to be at the airport at 5:30 am, so I left Privilege at 4:30 to head back to Chicago. Very sad day! If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be Ibiza! The people here are so serine and easy going. There was no drama the whole trip. The clubs were spectacular. The sunshine makes everyone happy. The food is fantastic. The beaches are stunning.I count the days until I can return. ps-cheers to barcelonaboy and his mates. It was so awesome hanging out with you guys!! I need pics from the beach,everyone I know is asking for them! What a wicked time!
Oakey at Amnesia - part of clubbing history Amnesia was class anyway but it says in DJ its had a refurbishment and is looking even better with the DJ booth a bit lower
Re: Re: Cream Opening Party Amnesia ditto, just went and booked my traveller cheques, not long now, very excited