Crazy Asian Pinhead (From a website) Ancient Chinese secret… how to change a girl into a boy, may need to remain a secret since it does not seem to work. It seems some not too well intentioned grandparents broke out the voodoo books and metal pins and may have tried their hands at the old wives tale cure for that horrible Asian birth defect, femaleatosis. That particular plague seems to effect 1/2 the population. Anyway, the pin cushion/human voodoo doll cure, did not work as well as they had hoped for. Sorry grandma and grandpa, still have a granddaughter, maybe they should have removed the pins after a few hours of baby crying and yet no miraculous change in gender. Here is the original story… Doctors in China have saved the life of a woman who had 26 pins and needles inserted into her body when she was a child in an apparent attempt to change her sex to a boy Complete crackerjacks