the babies would be as much yours as they are his remember, I aint ever properly properly talked to him, so my judgement is reserved, but he likes the hard stuff, and tried a bong at si's so I m gonna go for non-cunt I know I ve just contradicted myself
Crasherkids a Cunt well...i dont think he is...i think hes scrummy and my lovely lovely boyfriend who i want to marry and i want to have his babies. but i haev noticed that duncan, mick and batfink have all refered to him as a who else ...either jokingly or not, thinks kids a cunt?
doggie that bong fukked me up.. not in a good way.. cold sweat pah!!.... i wud of talked to u @ si's but i dont like cockneys. and the fact i cudnt talk didnt help
he never talks to anyone at afterparties...he just sits in the corner turning blue....quite odd actually seeing as all the other oompaloompas are orange.