CPU problem... help! the front led lights (cosmetic not hdd) on my pc don't work so we tried to have a look yesterday to get to the bottom of it... disconnected + reconnected the hard drive power supply which the led lights apparently join up with.... next i needed to put an extra network card in one of the pci slots, but had to move the pctv card down one slot cos it was too bulky... ended up not putting the network card in for whatever reason and closing the case.... came to turn my pc on after this only for the following to appear: 'CPU unworkable or has been changed - please check cpu soft menu' i can get into the bios fine if needed but other than that i'm at a loss... anyone know whats wrong? ta
Often you you dont even need to do that. Just go into the bios, do nothing, save, restart your machine.
sorted, seem to have a problem with my usb now? have to restart my computer if i want a device to be recognised? the power is running cos my phone charges fine but cant view the h10 without resetting...
You got any hardware conflicts? Right click on My Computer, select Manage. Then click on "Device Manager" in the left-hand pane. Are there any devices with a yellow question mark next to them?
yellow exclamation mark next to multi media controller but thats only cos I haven't installed the driver on my pc tv card yet...
hmm the usb light on my modem is flickering at the min... has this got something to do with resetting the bios?
could do, check the USB settings in the bios. i had a right faff on with mine. i had to restart my comp to get it to pick up USB devices until SP2 came out ave got a p4p800 deluxe
Now this error message appeared when i searched for something on my old hard drive... closed explorer... S: Windows XP Professional, SP2 CPU: AuthenticAMD, AMD AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+, MMX @ 1833 MHz Application data: VmVyc2lvbjogV2xGQlhVSlFWRlphUkU1RFJrTlZKQ2xTT3lRN1ZpQXN BQWRWUHlFOEl6QnpaSHQrZHpNa0lqc2tJelpGY25SOWVHcC9SemM3Uj NKNGIzRkRNUT09DQpJbWFnZUJhc2U6IDEwMDAwMDAwDQpFaXA6IDE etc etc etc.
i'd get rid. disconnect and chuck it if you feel it's causing problems! ALSO : did u reset your BIOS? looks like it's not running at the proper speed anymore... there's settings in the bios to allow the processor to run at it's optimal speed!
Disconnect and chuck what? we set it to run at optimal speed yeah... what makes you think its not running at the correct speed?