Couldn't believe it me and some mates were talking about films the other day and one said he'd never seen the goonies, pulp fiction, starwars , ET or predator this coming from a lad who says he's pretty clued up on films
Re: Couldn't believe it I get the same reaction when I tell people Ive never seen any of the Harry Potters or Lord Of The Rings. Just dont interest me at all.
I havent seen star wars like, only saw one of the lord of the rings and thought it was cack, havent seen any harry potters either
Clued up on films? What sort of films? The big ones you see on TV all the time? I've never seen Titanic, Pirates of the Carribean, or any of the Spidermans. Shoot me, I'm a disgrace to Hollywood. I suppose I'm not clued up on music then seeing as I have never listened to a 50 cent, Artic Monkeys or Justin Timberlake album
Re: Re: Couldn't believe it Me neither, and I've never seen Star Wars. I do want to watch them but my boyfriend won't let me til he has all 6
i also know someone who has never seen the goonies,,bit odd i film i love the most is restless natives...soundtrack by bigcountry
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Couldn't believe it hahaha... he's probably waiting for a you to buy them... then steal them from you!!!!
havent seen predator like, seems a bit shit. Tried to watch the goonies but that deformed guy proper freaks me out. and its all a bit gash. total social outcast me like.