Coughs I have recently had the most horrible cough ever...its really dry and chesty and is much much worse when i go to bed and lie down. Last night I was awake all night with it and I never actually stopped...I was actually retching to be sick because of how much I was coughing...Ive got Meltus cough medcine and these shitty new cough tablets and none of them work...does anybody have any ideas what I can do to get it away :cry2:
I never bother with cough medicine etc coz it just forces it down and you end up with a chest infection
Today I was meant to be having a lie in and couldnn't because of the thing I think I had 7 tablespoons of medcine when your meant to have like one teaspoon grrrrrrrrrr :evil:
just try and make your throat wet and warm as much as possible. coz when it is dehydrated it will make it worse! ive had a constant cough since i got back from ibiza, havnt been able to get rid of it and i dunno why :spangled:
My friend who went there said she had a really bad cough too after coming back.... Ive even tried using my mums inhailer (sp) to try and clear it up ...nope hasnt worked at all I will take your advice and get a cup fo tea
i just used to take big mouth fulls out of the bottle everytime it was gettin on my tits. just make sure the cough medicine is non drowsy
the cough i had not so long back was rank. I tried all sorys of medicine for it beechams and all this chesty cough relief nonsence and nothing worked! mine just went after so long. smokind don't help either like
defiantly have to get myself oot soon and meet up havent seen u in ages!!!! or kt or jess!! once i get back into my college workand £ sorted i'll be out loads
nah cant afford got piles of college stuff to do before tuesday :cry2: my own fault for not doing it earlier have a mint time tho