correct use of quotes in Word I'm writing up some crap about Shakespeare for someone and there are a few quotes here and there that are mid-sentence on paper. Do they go on a seperate line? For example, The bloke who was unlucky enough to live in 1595 wasn't happy and expressed his thoughts by saying, "this is bollocks man why do you all say thou" and all he wanted was a line of ket. If so, does the last word before the quote always come before a comma, and is it ok to follow on with the quote on a new line with no capital letters? I'm pretty sure this is the way i remember being taught but nowadays it's all txt msgs and smileys so i've forgotten
PRINCESSJANE Erm, when I'm writing stuff we tend to use : instead of commas as in. The man spoke loudly and said: "This is bollocks."
I don't think so. I'd do it something like: The bloke who was unlucky enough to be at the job centre wasn't happy and expressed his thoughts by saying, "this is bollocks, what does shakespear have to do with getting my dole". All he wanted was his welfare benefits.
i was always taught if the quote was a long one then it would go on a seperate line, eg. Thompson (2001) desribes: “The great lowland forests in much of Kalimantan and Sumatra are gone for good, and countless species have been driven to extinction in the process. However, there remains much to preserve, protect, and utilise sustainably.” then continue with the work. if it is a small quote that is no more than a line or two then just include it in the text.
Is that what you've been taught? I'm pretty sure whoever taught me in school was quite firm about the seperate line being the right way although before that i'd always used comma, followed by quote, followed by rest of the sentence all on one line too. well it's not my coursework so i'll leave it at that Cheers
The start of the sentence in quotes should have a capital though unless the sentence is broken up i.e Princess Jane was very tired and said: "I really should be in bed now", before yawning, "and I havre to be up early tommorrow." Re seperate lines I think our style for essays was to put quotes of more than a couple of lines into a seperate paragraph. Hope this helps.
thanks for the help peopel i really didnt expect anyone to answer a boring post like this after midnight
Re: Re: correct use of quotes in Word I'm pretty sure that's not right.. Or is it I've left it all on the same line, using a comma and a capital for the first letter anyway. If it's not to school standards her teacher will sort it.
Re: Re: Re: correct use of quotes in Word 2 weeks of solid essay writing till 5am and 5 years of uni I'd hope it is you would normally have a reference Author (Year) in too, but I doubt the school will be arsed if your using the harvard system or not
you have to use your uni cititation guide to do quotes if you don't use your uni way, you'll loose marks
this is for GCSE level so it doesn't matter about authors. Especially since its work about Shakespeare