cooling a hot pc im aiming for a quiet pc but i need somet to cool the gpu and cpu down a bit cos theyre running red hot and i dont fancy underclocking them, theyre both on stock cooling and ive heard the 8800gt640 runs hot but that the stock cooling is gash on them. anyone had any joy before with decent coolers that aint gonna sound like cape canaveral. ive seen some waterooling sets kicking about made by zalman which look canny, them reserator 1 and 2's which apparently do a canny job aswell
i've got a dual xeon machine and binned the oem heat sinks that come with the processors - just didn't do the job properly.... opted for a pair of swiftech heatsinks in the end and a couple of vantec fans to sit on top. quite large and you need the room in the case but if you get yourself a fan controller for the front of the case you can adjust the fan speed as and when the machine is working hard.... i do a lot of audio and video editing work on mine and quite often crank the fans up a bit when rendering a few hours of video. hopefully your motherboard has onboard monitoring software that you can run in your O/s to see temperatures coming back from the CPU's, fan speeds and that kinda thing. never been able to get my cpu's past 38c with the big heat sinks ive been using....water cooling is where you start getting into nerdy territory and have to make sure it's all sealed properly before you power everything up....water and the insides of a pc don't mix well together.... i've seen a mate of mine mess up in this area..... i think from memory i got most of the kit from and different sites with similar names....good luck mate.....
Stock cooling on the 8800 is barely audible except for when it boots. Mine is fine For the cpu , if u have a core 2 duo get a Noctua hsf. ive got its damn huge, but quiet
the watercooling one should be fine as its external and nowt would get fitted till id let it run for a while, i cant be doing fan controllers mate cos i dont have the room on the front, im torn between a heatsink and fan setup or the reserators ive got a ecga 680i and them fans aint menna be to easy to fit on one of those
From noctua site "On earlier revisions of this mainboard, capacitors on the rear side of the socket interfere with the backplate. Installation is possible but not recommended and not officially supported by Noctua. Newer revisions don't seem to have these capacitors and hence are fully compatible" lol. Cant believe you have that one board out of all of them listed Maybe the Tuniq tower is different. Damn good cooler that is too