CoOlEsT!!!! Who is the coolest dj going???? :cyber: :cyber: :cyber: :cyber: :cyber: :angel: :angel: :angel: And why?????????
He is canny....... Hes canny cool like!!!!!! Dresses cool as fuck!!!!!!!!:cyber: :cyber: :cyber: :cyber:
He definatly is original ill give him that!!!!!!:angel: :angel: Mad more that cool!!!!!!!! You are canny good but not as good as scott progect!!!!!!!:angel: Infact youd give him ya best shot I bet!!!!
WTF yoji is way better then scott project on every thing dj'ing production stage presance thats just mad that women say shit like that
WELLLLLLLL!! I did say you would give him ya best shot!!!!! Giz some credit howere!!!!!!!!!! He is canny cool though!!!!!!
oh yer scott project is cool dont hget me wrong but its yoji all the way i mean howmany peeps can say theve got a mass army of fans dressing like them saying that your got and theve called them self after you second name jimE this dont concern you
is typical!!!!!, never seen yoji dj yet but i'll see him nxt week!!! , but can imagine he'll be alot better than scot project as he's not the cleanist mixer in the world!!!!, but production wise he's spot on!!!! alot of his stuff!!!! yoji's not made a tune yet that can compare to 'Hands Up or Overdrive'..............dont think he ever will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was saying that I was the coolest dj around and that I have met Scot Project and he's deffo not cooler than me.!!!! Yoji is cool but a bit weird!!!!!