contact solution software packages for work? which software package does your employer use? I'm looking for one which can database customers, addresses.. contacts.. special details etc.. ie what they have installed.. is ACT! by Sage any good? there's one out there called Maximiser too but the one I used seemed dated...
small business wanting to basically keep record of customers/potential customers in the IP telephony industry.. it'll be a small base at first but who knows how many...
To be honest sleepy I can't remember how to set up databases, and I can't be bothered either, if it goes wrong the finger will point at me as the boss is hopeless with computers.. he wants to spend under £500.
the easiest way then is to get a copy of ms access and read a tutorial from the web. its pss easy mate
and if he is hopeless with pc's then he doesnt wanna even think about venturing away from the simplest.... access is all u need
the thing is he wants to know when customers are due things too.. like service calls or whatever.. i really can't be bothered to make up our own database
but from what u have described u is a DATABASE stop bein lazy - its easy i'll do it for him for £500 :laugh:
i just want a user friendly versatile already set up thingy i dont know exactly what features he's going to want..
If you want summinck straight out of the box, you'll end up paying through the nose - most software is pay-per-user. Sleepy's got the right idea - use Access and do it yourselves, even getting a temp in to build it won't cost you too much, but learning how to do it (which is really really easy) will benefit you more, as the set-up cost will be minimal and maintenance costs will be zero. Or go with my £1500 offer (that's £500 for you, £500 for me, and £500 to Sleepy to build the thing :laugh: ) or just ignore everything I say when trying to help.
I don't know if they are any good but you could look at Goldmine or Constant Contact. I think you are always better with your own system if you can build it.