Conker trees right if theres a conker tree and all around it are scattered many conkers then why dont loads of little conker trees grow around it? MM rekons its because they first have to be eaten by badgers and shit out elsewhere on the forest bed can this be denied or confirmed
that dosnt explain why there arnt loads of little conker saplings around every single conker tree. i have know conker trees that have been there since i was a kid (long ago) and they have never ever srouted more conker trees why is this
Get in .... its filthy friday Be as smutty as you want Our office has been like that today its like a bloody hormonal fly trap
Another question regarding conkers ... ... will MM's fall off if he dare speak to me? I think this is his fear.
Probably the same reason you dont have apple trees growing everywhere on grass people throw apple cores
not so fast Mr Baggins most of the apples we eat are grown overseas and their trees would not grow in the british climate
conker trees dont grow from conkers because of the bigger conker tree towering above it so there is no light for the younger seeds to flurish and the bigger tree takes up all the nutrionts(sp)?? from the ground this is my theroy anyway mate
is it not because the actual seed is inside the green shell? and the only time the seed (brown conker bit) acctually comes into contact with the earth is after its been covered in varnish and most likely shattered into pieces? :think: heed scratcher like
i dont think mother nature tends to act in such suicidal ways, she normally trys to encourage reproduction not hinder it