Computer freezing Whenever I try to run a virus check, my computer always freezes about a minute into it. Is there any reason why this should happen? It hasn't happened before yesterday. I use McAfee Virus Scan. I tried running that free online Housecall one too and it did the same.
Tried that, it then asked me to upgrade, that didn't install properly, dunno what I've got protecting my computer now. Must be a virus I think, obviously I can't check because the scan doesnt complete. Cheers for trying to help tho.
Try... If this freezes, you are experiencing DOS by a virus. Check processes for irregular processes. :angel3:
Looks like the problem was deeper than I thought. The drive was 'flawed' or sumthing. Lost everything on it now! My pics and my music are what I'm gutted about most! Most of my pics are on imagestation so I shud b able to get them. Anyone got any music that they know I wud like? Anyone still got a copy of my CV they can send me? Any pics that u've sent in the past too? Thanks.
i got a copy of ur cv i think...but im sure its on my otehr computer...ill check...if so, i cant get at it till 2mrw, but i can get it