comp f**ked and i dont understand dodgy's post bout how to fix stuff its gone all wierd and isnt windows anymore and says in big black box system stopped coz of that spyware thing? and i dunno wot to do and everythin gone wierd sizes and shapes and stuff keeps draggin and the buttons aint workin like they should and stuff
Restart your pc, and twat F8 like buggery when it starts, then boot into safe mode, then try everything in that sticky. If still stuck, post up as much info as is humanely possible
ok aaron told me to download that spyware doctor thing so did that then everytime i run it it gets to bout 95% after an hr and half of checkin all my stuff and comp shuts itself off so cant delete any of the infections its found. @slash i cud of said alot worse was well annoyed with it last nite
yes i did it in safe mode to start with and it got rid of some of the spyware stuff then when i restart it in normal mode its still there and stuff still isnt workin and is loads of spyware stuff still on it which i cant get off coz the comp shuts down when i run that doctor thing in normal mode but its got rid of al the stuff in safe mode
will it let u run a virus scan in safe mode ?? mite be worth u doing a virus scan just incase that gets rid of owt that the other software cant ??
ive got that avg one and i ran that in normal mode but it only came up with 6 viruses that i got rid of i havnt tried doin it in safe mode will try when i get in coz im on work comp atm.